Iyo tumah mak... malah disasakkan taruih, mudah-mudahan tambah jaleh
juo sado kabupaten agam dan tanah data di Google Earth ko... Sajak
awak mulai kenal jo Google Earth mak Ngah ndak bosan-bosannyo bausao
supayo awak dapek gambar nan barasiah.. tumah barakaik usao mak Ngah
lah jaleh jalan dari Padang ka Bukittinggi...


On 10/24/09, Hambo Ciek <hamboc...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Iko copy email MakNgah ka Map Action Team, Emergency Mapping Service,
> manyatokan tarimo kasih dan penghargaan ka Team dan minta manolong manyokong
> permintaan MakNgah ka Google Earth untuak mambarasiah kan awan taba nan
> manutuik sabagian gadang Kabupaten Agam. Mudah-mudahandengan bantuandan
> sokongan badan international ko peta Kabupaten Agam di Google Earth barasiah
> nanti.
> Salam,
> --MakNgah
> --- On Sat, 10/24/09, MapAction <nore...@mapaction.org> wrote:
> From: MapAction <nore...@mapaction.org>
> Subject: Copy of: Appreciation
> To: hamboc...@yahoo.com
> Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 10:45 AM
> Copy of:
> This is an enquiry e-mail via http://mapaction.org/ from:
> Sjamsir Sjarif <hamboc...@yahoo.com>
> Since the first few minutes of Pariaman, West Sumatra Earthquake of
> September 30, 2009 I have been folowing news and anything updated mesages
> from West Sumatra. Thanks to the effort of the Emergency Map Action Team for
> Wast Sumatra, I study each map in a great detail produced during this
> disaster.
> I appreciate your work very much. I have informed my mailing liat Rantaunet
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RantauNet/ and
> http://groups.google.com/group/RantauNet/messages
> about your great work and dedication.
> Moreover, probably this is the best place for me to mention about the Google
> Earth Map for West Sumatra. When I started using Google Earth, I noticed the
> Heavy White cloud blocking the view of the Area, especially the Kabupaten
> Agam. I requested to the Google earth to clear up that area; they did part
> of it a clear lane from North of Bukittinggi to south of Padang. But until
> now, most of the Kabupaten Agam is still heavily covered by cloud. Recently
> I have been asking them to clear it up again, but so far no result yet.
> May I request to the Map Action Team for West Sumatra to approach Google
> Earth to support and strengthen my suggestion to them: to clear up West
> Sumatra,especially the heavy cloud over the Kabupaten Agam and around north
> part of Mount Merapi. With your support, probably my idea and suggestion to
> the Google Earth will come to the reality.  Thank you very much.
> Best Wishes,
> Sjamsir Sjarif
> American Red Cross DSHR ID 244431 Chapter 05-360 Date 09/30/09
> http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_12030675
> >

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