Waktu istirahat makan siang  biasonyo ambo gunokan mancigok facebook anak anak, 
Si Adiak nan dibawo kamari kelas tigo SMP dari pinggirian Jakarta kini lah 
kelas satu SMA ...dan  menulis note tiga bahasa 
namanya juga masih anak anak..
 Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 8:27am
..well, not really.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 random 
things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 30 people to be 
tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's 
because I want to know more about you.

1. I'm Indonesian.
2. Indonesia is a country located north of Australia, and I hated the weather 
there. Especially on Fridays.
3. I'm trilingual. 8DD
4. I can speak Indonesian, English, and Japanese. Kind of.
5. I have a Bamboo Fun Tablet. 
6. I'm a ria-ju, which means I have a life. I've graduated from my otaku life. 
7. I wear glasses.
8. My grammar in every language that I know sucks. 
9. I used to have a kitten named.... I forgot, but anyways, my brother killed 
10. I have one brother and one sister. And both of them are older than me.
11. I love a lot of voice actors.
12. Shimono Hiro, Kamiya Hiroshi, Ishida Akira, Nakamura Yuuichi, Sugita 
Tomokazu, Taniyama Kisho, Fukuyama Jun, Kishio Daisuke, and Sakurai Takahiro <3
13. I'm good at Algebra I, and I suck at Algebra II.
15. I was a Johnny's fan, but school forcefully stopped me.
16. My favorite band was Arashi, btw. AND I STILL LOVE THEM. 嵐ー!
17. For me, people that can rap = cool people.
18. I used to bully and being bullied. Yeah, Marionette Syndrome.
19. My favorite male teacher is Mr. Dennis!
20. My favorite female teacher is Ms. Landerer!
21. If I did something stupid, then I would think of it for days.
24. My favorite singer in NND is KETTAROOOOOOO! (Erottaro me.... www)
25. I love clear and Dasoku too. They're OSM.
26. I don't like Kanji.
27. I know a lot of Kanji, but I can't write it.
28. I love acting/voice acting. 8Dd
29. I <3 Chocolate. And Cheese too.
30. For me, かわいい (kawaii) means ugly, but adorable. Well.. sometimes.
31. I cuss using Indonesian or Japanese, so people won't know. 8Dd
32. TN☆TNを生で言ったことないw よっこらs(ryも言ったことないwwww
33. Coke.
34. I love using Copics. They're OSM.
35. Orihara Izaya from Durarara!! is currently my favorite anime character.
36. I'm reading Durarara!! light novel right now. 
37. I love day dreaming, but really, who doesn't?
38. Tongue twister is the funnest thing ever.
39. I can sing Uraomote Lovers (Two-Faced Lovers)!
40. But I can't sing Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu (The Disappearance of Miku 
41. Tsundere FTW.
42. My sister is shorter than me. And she's older.
43. @kerochuu. (@けろ厨)
44. My favorite song ever is Kitto Daijoubu (きっと大丈夫; It's going to be alright) 
by Arashi. 
45. I used to tweet a lot, but now I realized that it's annoying to tweet that 
much. xD
46. I still have my friendster account. 8Dd
47. I have a mixi account.... anyone wants to join?
48. I play a lot of games. 
49. I want to play Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, but I can't, 'cause I need 
to update my firmware.
50. I love the color orange. It's because of Hey! Say! JUMP. ....ORZ.
51. I cried when I listen to Aku no Meshitsukai (Servant of Evil) and Regret 
Message, but I didn't when I watch Kokoro.
52. Gekokujou is my favorite song from Kagamine Twins. (Yeah, I know they're 
mirror images. But still)
53. I love VOCALOID. They're too awesome to resist.
54. I have PSP, NDS, and Wii. And I want PS2....
55. My brother said that he will give my my PS3, so that I could play FF XIII, 
but my dad won't let him.
56. I'm very random sometimes.
57. And I could be very quiet sometimes too.
58. I miss speaking Indonesian.
59. I miss my friends and my junior high teachers too. 
60. I really want to go back to Indonesia this summer, or go to Japan.
61. But no one knows if I can...
62. I can't live without my glasses.
63. I wanted to go to a college in Japan, but I gave up.
64. It's because I need to learn everything all over again in Japanese.
65. I've never been to Otome Road, but I'm sure that it's heaven for me.
66. Butler Cafe? Do they have Sebastian there?
67. I don't check people's blog. (ごめん、けったん、クリアー)
68. I need walkthrough to play otome games.
69. I'm blind about the world, 'cause Indonesian teachers isolated me by just 
teaching us about Indonesian history. Every year.
70. If someone that goes to school in here go to school in Indonesian, they 
would be dead. 
71. And that's not because that person can't speak the language, it's the 
72. Once, my teacher threw a chalk to me because I was asleep. 
73. Teachers in Indonesia are scary. Just telling you.
74. I hate how Indonesia doesn't have summer holidays... THEY SHOULD!
75. I need to go to school now, but I'm still writing this.
76. I like to draw, but it never look good. Except for Red. He ALWAYS look good.
77. I'll speak in Indonesian for the next three numbers.
78. Nyong, gila, gue makin gendut gara gara sekolah disini.
79. Eh, tau ga sih, disini itu, monokotil & dikotil itu baru diajarin pas kelas 
TIGA SMP! Gila kan!
80. Biologinya disini gampang banget euy! Beda sama yang di Indo. XD
81. Okay, then, let's continue using English.
82. I fell in love with clear when he sings Little Traveler. As for Kettaro, I 
fell in love with him when I saw him live. XD (ikemen ni yowai wwww)
83. I love Sony Ericsson.
84. I hate Nokia.
85. I listen to Dear Girl ~Stories~ every week.
86. For me, Kamiya Hiroshi isn't S, he's just a tsundere.
87. I check kettaro's twitter everyday.
88. I hate Japanese slang words, 'cause they're hard to understand.
89. But I love using them . XD 
90. I need a new sketchbook.... again...
91. I hate cold weather.
92. My favorite season is SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNGG.
93. I'm pretty sure people that are reading this note don't get half of things 
that I wrote.
94. Ronald is creepy. 
95. I don't play Touhou, but i love their BGM. Night of Knights <3 
96. I can live without internet, but I can't live without computer. and games. 
97. Why some people call me 'Risa'? That's because Lisa in Japanese = リサ = 
98. risamarii = リサマリー = lisa marie = me.
100. Friends, I love you! Ich liebe dich! Je t'aime! Saranghaeyo! Wo ai ni! 
Zulkarnain Kahar

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