> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marshall Schor [mailto:m...@schor.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2011 6:20 AM
> To: rat-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: ideas for automation
> We recently did an exercise whereby for some projects for which we
> distribute binaries that include "dependencies", we looked inside the
> dependency Jars being distributed to see if there was any unusual license
> and notice (and other) files, and we found several; we then manually
> merged these into the binary distribution's License and Notice files.
> We even found one where there was a "crypto notice" - which of course
> required that we add a crypto notice (and update the
> apache.org/licenses/exports page).
> Some kind of tooling that helps with this process would be a nice addition
> basically it has to open up dependent Jars that ship with a distribution
> see if finds anything "interesting" there.  It would also be nice if it
> automatically merged the Licenses and Notices while eliminating

Hi Marshall,

thanks, I think if no-one replies soon, it's likely it isn't their itch
'currently' and
best to open a RAT jira ticket so that these ideas don't get lost.


> -Marshall

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