> Begin forwarded message:

> Dear Sandy,
>     I can really only comment on the Small Radio Telescope (SRT) which uses a 
> 2.3 m antenna and 1420 MHz receiver. With this antenna the key experiment is 
> the measurement of Galactic rotation curve
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/srt/SRT%20Memos/011.pdf
> Here is report which includes Galactic rotation curve measured by Jim Moran's 
> students in 2007
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/pdf/haystack_FINAL_2_8.pdf
> I recently attended an ALphA immersion workshop by Prof. Carl Akerlof 
> <aker...@outlook.physics.lsa.umich.edu> in which this experiment was done by 
> several University faculty members interested in a Radio Astronomy
> http://www.advlab.org/imm2015_michigan_radioastronomy.html
> The 2.3 m antenna has also been used to create a map the 21 cm hydrogen for 
> the entire visible sky. Other projects include measuring the solar flux
>  Hiep, N. V., et al. "Radio Observation of Solar-Activity-Related mHz 
> Oscillations." Solar Physics 289.3 (2014): 939-950
> There has been some SRT interferometry
> Here are some links:
> Modeling the Solar Limb Brightening at 21 cm Using Amplitude and Closure 
> Phase Measurements from a 3-Element Interferometer
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/srt/SRT%20Memos/023.pdf
> Cygnus
> www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/reu/2005/files/evarts.pdf
> Oberoi, D., E. R. Evarts, and A. E. E. Rogers. "High Temporal and Spectral 
> Resolution Interferometric Observations of Unusual Solar Radio Bursts." Solar 
> Physics 260.2 (2009): 389-400.
> With a 6m antenna you should be able to observe the 21 cm line in Andromeda 
> and OH should observable. Also some of the strongest pulsars should be 
> observable
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/materials/SSemission.pdf
> As far a user interface the SRT has a display of the sky vs azimuth and 
> elevation. The objects displayed are those listed in a user catalog (which 
> includes the Sun, Galactic plane etc.). The antenna position is also 
> displayed. Clicking on a source moves the antenna to the source. Various 
> on/off and scan modes are provided. The antenna and radiometer can also be 
> run from a command file.
> Here is a very old manual 
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/srt/SRT%20Software/SRTManual.pdf
> Recently a similar interface was written by a REU student to point the 37m 
> Haystack antenna for future radio astronomy observations. I don't necessarily 
> recommend the SRT software because I don't write good well structured code 
> but it can be downloaded and run in simulate mode to get a better idea of 
> what it does. The "New" SRT uses a TV dongle for a receiver and an Alfa radio 
> antenna controller.
> http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/undergrad/srt/index.html
>                best regards Alan
> On Sun, 16 Aug 2015, Sander Weinreb wrote:
>> Carl and Alan,
>> I need some advice from old salts about how to demonstrate radio astronomy 
>> observing techniques to new graduate students.
>> We are paying some attention to the  6m  telescope on the roof of the EE 
>> building at  Caltech  and are trying to make it into  a good teaching 
>> instrument.  The front-end covers 1.3 to 1.7 GHz
>> with about 100K Tsys on two linear  polarizations and we recently installed 
>> a Roach 1 spectrometer with two 500 MHz bandwidth channels  and 60 kHz 
>> resolution. There is much RFI and a lesson
>> we want to teach is how to work around it.
>> Our weakest link is the software to integrate telescope pointing with 
>> receiver output.  We are working on developing a convenient system   but I 
>> wonder if it already exists on other  small
>> telescopes.  Do you have any suggestions for integrated telescope and  data 
>> taking  control system we should look  at?
>> A second  topic  is  what to observe with the  telescope as educational 
>> demonstrations.    We can certainly map galactic hydrogen and  look at  the 
>> stronger continuum sources.  The
>> spectrometer can cross correlate the two linear polarizations and we could 
>> get into polarization measurements. Do you have suggestion  for observations?
>> I would like to observe OH  (again, since I have not observed it or followed 
>> what has  been done since 1963 !).   Where is a good summary of the 
>> observations?   I think  our 60 KHz resolution
>> is too  broad and we will need to improve it by a factor of 10 or more.
>> Sandy

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