
We are trying to port the RAUC client to our OpenWRT system.
But we are facing many problems at this moment.
Our OpenWRT Version is "DESIGNATED DRIVER (Bleeding Edge, 12009)".
Does anybody have experience in porting RAUC to another Linux distribution
and can help us. The RAUC client depends on many different libraries that
we do not have in our system.

Best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i. A. Andreas Kurzkurt
M-Tronic Design and Technology GmbH
Im Großen Gunterstal 8
66440 Blieskastel

Geschäftsführer: Bernd Koppermann
Hauptsitz: Oberhäuser Str. 12, 73098 Rechberghausen
Amtsgericht Ulm HBR 533579
Tel: +49 (0)6842-96125-17
Fax:+49 (0)6842-96125-99
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