
I am having issues when I try to verify a bundle downloaded on the device.
I am using rauc 1.3 through the meta-rauc for Yocto.

I am running *rauc info [name of the bundle].raucb* on the device. The
output I get is the following:

rauc-Message: 17:24:54.156: Debug log domains: 'all'
(rauc:528): rauc-DEBUG: 17:24:54.165: input bundle:
(rauc:528): rauc-DEBUG: 17:24:54.166: No value for key
"max-bundle-download-size" in [system] defined - using default value of
8388608 bytes.
(rauc:528): rauc-DEBUG: 17:24:54.166: No mount prefix provided, using
/mnt/rauc/ as default
rauc-Message: 17:24:54.167: Reading bundle:
(rauc:528): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 17:24:54.170: _g_io_module_get_default: Found
default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs?
rauc-Message: 17:24:54.173: Verifying bundle...
*signature verification failed: Verify error:unsupported certificate

I don't really know how to get past this issue. I have included in a file
the root certificate, intermediate certificate and the certificate that
corresponds to they key used to sign the bundle. And I point to that file
with path=/etc/rauc/firmware-keyring.pem in the system.conf file.

previous to doing that I was getting:
*signature verification failed: Verify error:unable to get local issuer

With regards to the environment variables this is what I am using:

RAUC_KEYRING_FILE="firmware-keyring.pem" (which is the file that I am using
on the device)

I don't really know how to get past this issue, any points would be highly

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