On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 3:07 PM Brian Hutchinson <b.hutch...@gmail.com>

> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:17 AM Brian Hutchinson <b.hutch...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> So using your manifest example and my partition scheme from earlier ...
>> RAUC A slots:
>> /dev/mmcblk2gp0p1 (kernel/dtb)
>> /dev/mmcblk2gp0p2 (rootfs)
>> /dev/mmcblk2p1 (appfs)
>> RAUC B slots:
>> /dev/mmcblk2gp1p1 (kernel/dtb)
>> /dev/mmcblk2gp1p2 (rootfs)
>> /dev/mmcblk2p2 (appfs)
>> On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 2:56 AM Jan Lübbe <j...@pengutronix.de> wrote:
>>> So your manifest might look like:
>>> [update]
>>> compatible=rauc-example
>>> version=2021.05-1
>>> [bundle]
>>> format=verity
>>> [image.kernel]
>>> filename=kernel.img
>>> [image.rootfs]
>>> filename=rootfs.tar
>>> [image.appfs]
>>> filename=appfs.tar
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jan
>> My system.conf (using my example partition layout for earlier email) file
>> would look something like:
>> [system]
>> compatible=rauc-example
>> bootloader=uboot
>> [keyring]
>> path=/etc/rauc/ca.cert.pem
>> [slot.kernel.0]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp0p1
>> type=vfat
>> parent=rootfs.0
>> [slot.kernel.1]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp1p1
>> type=vfat
>> parent=rootfs.1
>> [slot.rootfs.0]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp0p2
>> type=ext4
>> bootname=A
>> [slot.rootfs.1]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp1p2
>> type=ext4
>> bootname=B
>> [slot.appfs.0]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2p1
>> type=ext4
>> parent=rootfs.0
>> [slot.appfs.1]
>> device=/dev/mmcblk2p2
>> type=ext4
>> parent=rootfs.1
>> So I should use "parent" to tie both kernel and appfs slots to the rootfs?
>> And for now, the rootfs is r/w on a ext4 filesystem, but in the future it
>> will be a squashfs.  So once that happens would 'type=ext4' then change to
>> 'type=raw'?
>> Just trying to make sure I understand how to make manifest and
>> system.conf map together for making bundles etc.
>> Regards,
>> Brian
>> Now my problem is the rauc install of the bundle fails:
> I'm using rauc 1.5 from Dunfell.
> root@imx8mmevk:~# rauc --debug install update-mybundle.raucb
> rauc-Message: 18:58:29.648: Debug log domains: 'rauc'
> (rauc:2812): rauc-DEBUG: 18:58:29.655: install started
> (rauc:2812): rauc-DEBUG: 18:58:29.655: input bundle:
> /home/root/update-mybundle.raucb
> (rauc:2812): rauc-DEBUG: 18:58:29.667: Trying to contact rauc service
> installing
>  0% Installing
>  0% Determining slot states
> 20% Determining slot states done.
> 20% Checking bundle
> 20% Verifying signature
> 40% Verifying signature done.
> 40% Checking bundle done.
> 40% Checking manifest contents
> 60% Checking manifest contents done.
> 60% Determining target install group
> 80% Determining target install group done.
> 80% Updating slots
> 80% Checking slot kernel.1
> 83% Checking slot kernel.1 done.
> 83% Copying image to kernel.1
> 86% Copying image to kernel.1 failed.
> 100% Updating slots failed.
> 100% Installing failed.
> LastError: Installation error: Failed updating slot kernel.1: failed to
> run tar extract: Child process exited with code 1
> idle
> Installing `/home/root/update-mybundle.raucb` failed
> My system.conf:
> [system]
> compatible=MyTarget
> bootloader=uboot
> [keyring]
> path=/etc/rauc/ca.cert.pem
> [slot.kernel.0]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp0p1
> type=vfat
> parent=rootfs.0
> [slot.kernel.1]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp1p1
> type=vfat
> parent=rootfs.1
> [slot.rootfs.0]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp0p2
> type=ext4
> bootname=A
> [slot.rootfs.1]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2gp1p2
> type=ext4
> bootname=B
> [slot.appfs.0]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2p1
> type=ext4
> parent=rootfs.0
> [slot.appfs.1]
> device=/dev/mmcblk2p2
> type=ext4
> parent=rootfs.1
> My manifest.rauc:
> [update]
> compatible=MyTarget
> version=2021.06-15
> [image.kernel]
> sha256=045fb07d617e387e8b39426847a93f517f2af005fb65aced6a7a3028a2adad70
> size=21084160
> filename=mytarget-fsl-linux-5.4.114.tar.bz2
> [image.rootfs]
> sha256=d8b18918b7bfeec3f82d8eb454da42aca41da4fc8095cbeb52f4ebce5fb5e29c
> size=169139859
> filename=mytarget_yocto-3.1.7_dunfell_fslc-linux-5.4.114.tar.bz2
> [image.appfs]
> sha256=0a46530a2387bd1eafa0912ab00dbc4f21077578f1c0b5e7a3b051b9cc36785a
> size=196
> filename=mytarget-appfs.tar.bz2
> mytarget-fsl-linux-5.4.114.tar.bz2 is a tar of two files (kernel and
> device tree blob):  Image and imx8mm-evk.dtb
> Can I not do a .tar for a vfat target slot?
> Regards,
> Brian
Ok, I think I figured out my problems.  Appears that I was using busybox
version of tar so I switched to the real thing (GNU Tar) and that fixed one
problem then I ran into a mkfs.vfat problem and I added dosfstools to my
image and that took care of that so now my bundle is updating correctly now
... so sorry for the noise!


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