razor agents support SOCKS, so you should be able to use a SOCKS server to proxy. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sampei02
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:19 AM
To: Matt Kettler
Cc: razor-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Razor-users] can RAZOR use server proxy ?

On my "proxy server" is only installed Squid to cache http traffic and no proxy protocols.
I didn't understand this:
Can I use the "socksify" tool to redirect Razor requests to go out to public netwotk if I have no socks5 application in my squid "proxy" ?
must I install socks server into my squid ?
If I used plug-gw (FWTK) can I redirect Razor request on 2703 port to 2703 port of another machine which is on external netwotk ?
REQUEST : client, port 2703 -> "proxy" , port 2703
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Razor-users] can RAZOR use server proxy ?

Sampei02 wrote:
> I installed Razor-agents into my mail server (Fedora Core 4) which is in
> my internal network; I'm using Squid proxy server to go to internet
> infact it's the only server on  public network
> How can I specificy to Razor components to use my proxy server (with
> specified port) to discovery Razor servers ?

You can't. Squid is a HTTP/FTP proxy, but razor doesn't use either of those
protocols to communicate with the razor servers.

Squid can proxy HTTP requests, FTP, requests Gopher requests. However it cannot
proxy arbitrary Internet traffic such as IRC, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, etc. That's
what a Socks5 proxy is for.

Squid is essentially intended to be a file-transfer caching system. It does so
by acting as a proxy for protocols that transfer files. Socks5 on the other
hand, isn't a cache, it's just a proxy, and it can proxy any TCP/IP request the
client may have.

However, these days, very few people use socks5 proxyies. They use stateful
firewalls with overloaded-NAT (aka PAT) instead. It works in a similar fashion,
but is transparent to the client.

> Now Razor tries directly to connect  to (2703 port)....
> but the only channel to go out is by using proxy server !?

If you have a real proxy, such as a SOCKS5 proxy, you might be able to get razor
to use that. However, right now there don't seem to be any options to do so.

You might be able to use a tool like "socksify" from the Dante proxy package to
launch your razor tools inside a socks-capable wrapper.

You might also be able to just re-compile Razor2 with the appropriate socks
library linked in (ie: -lsocks).

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