On Tue, 24 Jan 2017, Robert Boyl wrote:

> I tried to report false positives to Razor, but it won't accept.
> In our system, headers are still being added after the message has been
> analyzed by Razor, so when you run the checksum on the complete message, you
> don't get the same result as when Razor first analyzed it
> Ideas how to solve?

First, keep in mind that your ability to revoke messages depends in
part on your reputation in the Razor system.  If you have only
reported a few emails or you've reported/revoked contrary to other
reporters, you may not have enough reputation to change how Razor
classifies it.

Assuming that's not the case, how are you trying to revoke the message
(piping it directly to razor-revoke, using spamassassin's -k option,

Second, I was under the impression that razor doesn't use headers when
calculating checksums (it certainly doesn't for some of them), and in
local testing I've been unable to change the headers of an email in
such a way that it returns a different hash.  What sort of headers
are being added that it leads to a different hash?  Or is it that your
mail system is altering the body in some way?

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                |      System Admin - UT CompSci
All syllogisms contain three lines |              sha...@shanew.net
Therefore this is not a syllogism  | www.ischool.utexas.edu/~shanew

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