On 26.11.2018 03:00, Bernhard M. Wiedemann wrote:
Hi Hervé,

thanks for raising this topic.

On 26/11/2018 09.08, Hervé Boutemy wrote:
Anybody interested in working together?
With openSUSE we are doing all builds offline to ensure that we can
repeat builds later (without worry about offline or hacked servers), but
for maven this often meant we had to download 300 MB of someone else's
binaries to use in the build.

I love all the reproducibility issues of jars enumerated in this wiki page.

However... another +1 to this issue raised by Bernhard and Julien. One of the biggest practical hurdles in working with Maven comes before any of that: there's no clear separation of "download time" vs "resolve time" vs "build time".

Maven seems to intermix downloads and execution operations fairly freely (e.g. plugin download, now plugin eval, now dep download -- download and execution are interleaved).  This makes it very, very difficult to ensure all the needed dependencies can be identified and downloaded (and saved locally) in advance.

Some distributions and build environments prefer to completely disable the network during builds in order to make certain that there aren't uncaptured information sources or dependencies being downloaded at build time -- in order to make rigorously sure we satisfy our core definition of reproducible: "given the same source code, [and] build environment".  I'd love to work on making Maven as compatible with this goal as possible.

Even some features for more explicit/pre-build-phase dependency enumeration would be a big help in this area. I chatted with some other Maven enthusiastic folk at our last summit, and while we found ways to instruct Maven to yield a list of resolved dependencies, this still didn't cover a lot of critical ground: the output was human-readable, but not very easily machine-parsible; and if I recall correctly it covered dependencies but not plugins, making it somewhat incomplete.  An API for these operations would be incredibly useful.  (And then ideally, perhaps we'd like a way to take our resolved list of dependencies and automatically write out a new pom file with either those fixed versions or a fixed reference to everything needed to perform an identical resolution process offline in the future; but that's a next step.  Sounds like Guix has a tool for that; it'd be nice if such a tool was in mainline Maven itself.)

Of course if I'm misspeaking and there are more features for dependency enumeration and separating download/resolve/build phases -- I love being wrong :) -- then this whole email can instead be: I'd love to round up some documentation about these features and add it to these wiki pages about reproducibility :)


https://github.com/signalapp/gradle-witness might be interesting in relation to this topic.  It is a Gradle plugin to add hash checks to downloads.

It ran into a few issues that seem likely to arise again:

- It's very opt-in; you can't apply it to a project without modifying the pom^H^H^H build.gradle file, and this limits its usefulness to folk from the distro perspective

- As the readme mentions, it has something of a bootstrapping problem (it can't fetch *itself* by hash...)

- IIUC, it doesn't work for Maven/Gradle plugins, only for the project dependencies... which means it's not a complete coverage of the build environment.

   - It only applies the checks to dependencies listed in the
   configuration; if transitive resolution somehow adds a new
   dependency, it goes unchecked (and this does come up: for example,
   if building on a different architecture, the dependency resolution
   may yield different results *even when* all versions are pinned),
   and so again, it's not complete coverage.

In general, the lesson here seems to be that when trying to get a complete view of the sources and build environment, tools built into the core can really can shine a lot brighter; when trying to do it in plugins, then things like (ironically) plugins seem to end up very difficult to handle.


Cheers!  Very excited for the gathering of effort.

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