On 12/14/22 11:30 AM, Bernhard M. Wiedemann via rb-general wrote:
He also once pointed me to

By the way, I think this person's argument falls apart here:

"The only way to verify that the untrusted binary is bit-for-bit identical to the binary that would be produced by building the source code, is to produce your own trusted binary first and then compare it. At that point you already have a trusted binary you can use, so what value did reproducible builds provide?"

That makes the incorrect assumption that a build you create yourself can always be trusted.

On the contrary, no single build can be trusted because it's too easy to compromise a single build environment. That's the benefit of verified reproducible builds: an attacker has to compromise several different build environments on different machines and networks and in different countries.

So the second diagram on the page does not create a trusted binary. You still want to keep the other build for comparison instead of throwing it in the trash.


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