Wondering if there are other companies (not necessarily bicycle
companies) that fellow Rivendellians appreciate. Perhaps companies
with similar ideals or sensibilities?

One of the main ones that comes to mind for me is Saddleback Leather.
I have a few of their bags and they're absolutely bulletproof, rugged
and will easily outlast me. As the company's motto says, "They'll
Fight Over It When You're Dead". They're quite expensive, but I'm to
the point in life where I would rather "buy once, cry now" and know
that it's going to last forever than spend less on something that is
more likely to fail.

If you want to checkout Saddleback, their site is here:


And I have a Flickr group for their bags as well:


And please note I'm not involved with Saddleback in anyway. I just
like that they, like Rivendell, seem to eschew the popular (shiny
messenger bags, plastic, modern esthetics) for classic ruggedness that
will seemingly be the last item of its type you'll need to buy.

So, what other companies fall in this category for you guys?
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