What do you mean by "rad equipment"?  Just that's it's super cool or is
there something in particular about "rad" like a brand name using the term?

Is the slang term "rad" back in style now?  If so where I have I been?
(out riding my bike probably).

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Hugh Flynn <hugfly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There can be quite a bit of difference between the way the shop owner
> (presumably someone who has spent some time in the industry) might approach
> a customer and the way a 20 year old bike-fan turned shop employee might
> approach that same customer. This is where the selling of rad equipment to
> paunchy middle-aged folks becomes an issue for me. While I'll admit to
> feeling some sense of obligation to your average paunchy middle-aged human
> interested in getting into cycling, I have very little sense of obligation
> to 20-something shop kids who think rad = right for all cyclists.
> I rarely (if ever) stick my nose in to shop conversations that don't
> involve me, but I might if I were to encounter some of the situations that
> have been described in this thread. Then again, some customers are
> delusional jerks who deserve to be dressed up like drunk clowns,
> doubled-over, and clipped onto the latest offering from Calfree. I
> certainly wouldn't try to stop that from happening if that's what the
> customer wants or deserves.
> Hugh "Options and choices are good for consumers, right?" Flynn
> Newburyport, MA
> On Jun 30, 2014, at 3:31 PM, Patrick Moore wrote:
> For the record, the incident I related involved a case where the buyer,
> had he bought, would have spent money on something ill fitting, therefore a
> waste of money to that extent. This was not a matter of "taste". One may
> feel obliged to remain silent even in such a case, but I did not.
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Brewster Fong <bfd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Monday, June 30, 2014 10:00:05 AM UTC-7, Garth wrote:
>>> I agree Bobby ,
>>>   I'm all for the support of a LBS.  Yet am I based on own prejudices ,
>>> going to interfere with their business ?   This seems hypocritical .  Yes,
>>> saying my bike or riding my-way-is-thee-way is my own pre-judging
>>> my-way-is-thee-way as thee-best-way.
>> Agree, a shop is in the business of selling bikes. If it is that narrow
>> minded to put on a buyer on the wrong bike, then I doubt that bike shop is
>> going to be in business for very long. My LBS has been around since
>> 1975. The owner is one of the best fitters in the SF Bay Area. But he sells
>> all types of bikes. He has the latest carbon Time, Looks, Bianchis and
>> Giants. He also sells the new Albion and other steel bikes from
>> custom (formerly US distributor for Ron Cooper to Della Santa to the latest
>> from the new Masi, Soma and Waterford).  He also has a wall full of
>> Colnagos including steel and carbon.
>> But, the key is to put you on the type of bike that you will ride! If it
>> means putting you the latest 14lb carbon wonder bike with your bar dropped
>> 6 inches below the saddle and 11-23 11speed cassette, done. If you want a
>> steel bike with bars higher than your saddle and 13-34 gearing with a
>> triple, done!  If you're a fat guy, like me (e.g., 200lb) and want carbon,
>> no problem. But he's give you a compact crank (50/34) and low gearing
>> (11-28; 12-30)  to help you get up the hill. He will also "raise dat bar"
>> when needed!  Whatever works to get you on the road and enjoying your bike!
>>  Good Luck!
>>> Is it really ?  Compared to who ?  My choices work for me, if someone
>>> wishes to emulate that in some way, great. If not, great .
>>> Would I like if I had business selling bikes, have customers
>>> discouraging potential customers from buying my bikes ? . .  . I think not
>>> !
>>> There are many facets to the Golden Rule ! The shop owner qualifies as
>>> someone whom I wish well for also , not just a customer I think is being
>>> taken advantage of. Vengeance and self-righteousness can be very subtle ,
>>> like a calm sea masking the tsumani within it.
>>> All THAT said . ..  lol .  . .  there is no absolute right or wrong
>>> answer, just infinite ways of answering .  This, is Life.
>>> On Monday, June 30, 2014 11:42:05 AM UTC-4, Montclair BobbyB
>>> wrote:Caveat emptor... I personally wouldn't interfere with a conversation
>>> between a bike shop employee and a potential customer, even if I'm cringing
>>> (unless explicitly asked for my opinion)... It's entirely the choice of the
>>> buyer to seek advice from the bike shop and for the buyer to decide based
>>> on whatever he/she feels is right for them (whether right or wrong in my
>>> mind). It's not my place to intercede.
>>> While I gain personal satisfaction knowing I have 'converted' several
>>> people's thinking towards the Rivish bikestyle, I try not to impose my
>>> beliefs too strongly, I simply demonstrate by example.  Those who scoff at
>>> my bike preferences (as being different from their own), well that's
>>> entirely their choice, and more power to them.  I have a good friend who
>>> rides a beautiful Dario Pegoretti road bike (and only rarely,
>>> unfortunately), and every time I show him a new bike I'm working on, the
>>> first things he ALWAYS does is lift it and shake his head. (In my mind he
>>> just doesn't get it, whereas I'm sure he thinks I'm nuts)... Suum cuique
>>> ...
>>> BB
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> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, Nouvelle Mexique, Etats Unis
> *************************************
>   * "Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to
> never was there, and where you are is no good unless you can get away from
> it. Where is there a place for you to be? No place.*
> * "Nothing outside you can give you any place," he said. "You needn't to
> look at the sky because it's not going to open up and show no place behind
> it. You needn't to search for any hole in the ground to look through into
> somewhere else. You can't go neither forwards nor backwards into your
> daddy's time nor your children's if you have them. In yourself right now is
> all the place you've got. If there was any Fall, look there, if there was
> any Redemption, look there, and if you expect any Judgment, look there,
> because they all three will have to be in your time and your body and where
> in your time and your body can they be?*
> *  "Where in your time and your body has Jesus redeemed you?" he cried.
> "Show me where because I don't see the place. If there was a place where
> Jesus had redeemed you that would be the place for you to be, but which of
> you can find it?”     -- Flannery O'Connor, Wise Blood  *
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Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!

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