Liesl, When I talked with the folks at Riv (I don't remember who), they 
said Big Ben would not be as supple but would have more protection.

I have to say, given what I put the tires through on my abbreviated tour, 
if you aren't flat prone, you would love these. I'm considering taking the 
Hunqapillar rather than the Quickbeam up Pikes Peak (all paved, with a 
loooooong curvy climb at the begening and a looooooong curvy fast descent 
at the end). With me and full water, food, and gear, the bike weighed 280 
pounds. I had a LOT of sandyish clayish mud to bog my way through and I 
still felt like I was floating over it compared with the Smart Sams (though 
my legs will tell you differently). The descents were equally challenging, 
with that same mud strewn liberally with fist-sized and larger rocks there 
was no way to miss. I was surprised by how well they handled all the varied 
conditions and terrain and circumstances.

Yes, it's $90 a pop, but I'd say if you're asking the question, you'll like 
the only answer that matters and that's the ride. Grin.

With abandon,

On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 10:31:55 AM UTC-6, Liesl wrote:
> I'm intrigued!  Can anyone compare how's the clearance for fenders with 
> Big Ben v. Thunder Burts?  And thoughts about the TB's as a commuter tire, 
> summer and winter both?  The reduction in weight is of great interest.  I 
> run 26" BB's on the wee but long custom and *love* the ride (and that I can 
> get them in brown).  However, I'm just not that big and not that young so 
> when the bike is set up with front and rear racks and bags, it's hard for 
> me to carry it up and down the stairs to the basement where the little 
> steed beds down for the night in fluffy fresh hay.  Losing 2 pounds in 
> tires would be appreciated!  Also note that I am not flat-prone (which of 
> course will change immediately now that I put it in writing).

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