I think it depends on your budget. In my area ( Seattle ) I paid about
$300 for a single color paint job which seemed high for a bicycle
frame but in fairness there was quite a bit of masking for chrome etc.
I later did another bike with powdercoating and only paid $75 for a
two layer metallic clear coat over a solid base color. The looks
aren't quite the same but close enough for me. If you live in a mild
climate with generally nice weather, I'll bet you could just wax your
bike and use touch up paint and never have rust issues. I have one 25
year old frame with original paint and I rode it for three years chips
and all and did just what I mentioned with no rust forming that I
could see. All bare steel forms a layer of oxide (rust) that protects
the metal under it to some degree. Unless you leave your bicycle
exposed to adverse conditions all the time with no maintenance
(cleaning & waxing) you should be fine......however a nice new paint
job is pleasing to the eye.

On Dec 4, 4:00 pm, J L <subfas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an older Riv that could use a new skin.
> Where in the San Francisco area should I look to get it painted?
> Are there multiple options?
> I am either going to go one of two ways - single color no decals, or nice
> multi-color riv-ish paint with original decals.
> Is it feasible to never get it painted?  I am concerned with frame longevity
> also.
> -Jason


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