I'm pretty sure all runs of QBs had RC-03 crowns.  The AHH also uses that 
crown, and on that bike 40 might be the max you can go, but I think the 
limitation there is from sidepulls not the fork clearance itself.  On the 
cantilevered QB you can easily fit a 45mm tire, maybe up to 50 without 

On Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 9:29:24 PM UTC-4, iamkeith wrote:
> Is anybody well versed or familiar with the crowns used on these two 
> bikes?  Particularly regarding the differences between them, and their 
> relative tire clearances?
> The  recent Reader, #44, included a description of Riv's various, current 
>  fork crowns (RC-02  through the new, Appaloosa-style RC-06) but it doesn't 
> really answer my question. 
> I have a first-run QB, the crown of which looks like the one at the 
> following link (and also matches my Rambouillet).  But it isn't even shown 
> in the Reader article.  Perhaps it's a RC-01?  Or is it the RC-02, which is 
> listed as the Roadeo crown and therefore the narrowest possible option? :
> original QB crown 
> <http://flickrhivemind.net/blackmagic.cgi?id=2874011510&url=http%3A%2F%2Fflickrhivemind.net%2FTags%2Fcyclocrossbike%252Cquickbeam%2FInteresting%3Fsearch_type%3DTags%3Btextinput%3Dcyclocrossbike%252Cquickbeam%3Bphoto_type%3D250%3Bmethod%3DGET%3Bnoform%3Dt%3Bsort%3DInterestingness%23pic2874011510&user=&flickrurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/25451876@N00/2874011510>
> Meanwhile, later QBs and, presumably S.O.s had crowns that looked like the 
> one at the following link.  It's hard to tell from photos whether this is 
> an RC03 or an RC04, though I'm guessing the former.  Both have the little 
> scroll detail with three dots above:
> Later Quickbeam crown 
> <http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3656/3577001997_71ca22526a_m.jpg>
> My main question is whether or not the later QB/SO crowns had 
> significantly more clearance than the earlier ones.  My reason for asking 
> is because the Rosco #5 is said to be built around a surplus Quickbeam / 
> Simple One fork, and I'm trying to figure out what that means in terms of 
> real world tire clearance.  It is the later of the two above styles, and 
> the bike's listed as having a max tire clearance of 40mm (though I suspect 
> that's a typo and it really meant to say 44 or 45). But is this the 
> conservative dimension Riv is required to cite as a manufacturer, or does 
> it jive with what QB/SO owners have been able to do?
> Though I'm at the upper end of the fit spectrum, #5 is the first Rosco 
> that's looked like it will fit me, but I'm trying to figure out if it's 
> something I'd use.  My QB  is the most comfortable bike I own, but I rarely 
> ride it precisely because it is limited to such narrow tires.   If  #5 
> doesn't improve on that significantly, then it's likely just too much 
> overlap and redundancy.  #5 also shares the same, steepish 72 seat tube / 
> 72.5 headtube angles with the QB (which I suppose is why they describe it 
> as "roadish"), has horizontal dropouts, and is bright green. 

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