I have been very careful getting on/off the Homer on the trainer.  With the
way it is positioned against a counter as shown in the picture, I have to
mount it from the left side.  What I have been doing is:  while unweighted,
rotate the left foot to the correct position.  place foot on pedal.
 straighten knee.  put weight on straightened leg.  While holding that leg
firmly in position, rotate the hip and right leg over and onto the saddle.
So far, this has worked very well with no issues or twinges for either
mount or dismount.

You are right about following the PT's lead.  That's what I have been
doing, not getting on the trainer at home until after a couple of sessions
on the bike at therapy.  I've also been checking with him about duration,
keeping the sessions the same length at home as at therapy and confirming
what I should try to work up to for max session time.  I don't think he is
a cyclist, but he has a lot of letters after his name and seems to like the
light load range of motion it can provide.  Strength training will come

As for sweat, I have not yet sweated on the bicycle+trainer either in
therapy or at home.  The sessions are just too short and the load too light
for that so far.  I might need that fan later, though.



On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:56 AM, ascpgh <> wrote:

> Tim, Great news that it was a repairable injury instead of a cartilage
> tear leaving your knee short of OEM-spec bushing.
> Be very careful getting on and off your sessions on the Homer. I can
> attest that it's bad enough and unsettling to your proprioception to be
> wounded and healing, but the small amount of extra height the trainer and
> front wheel block add can instigate some really bad news if you get hung
> up. When it happened to me I got clear and ended up on my back, free of
> twist or re-injury. I added a step on the left that reduced the bad leg
> lift-over when getting aboard.
> In the early parts of this spare yourself the gearing and sweat. Go easy,
> concentrate on clean repetition and keeping your truck aligned as you
> pedal. I made the point when I was on trainer to use the low intensity to
> improve my pedaling dynamics (I had clips and straps) and get some quad
> involvement after so much crutch time.
> Your PT is your lead, but many are not real cyclists and see them the same
> as the fixed equipment in the gym. I was a bad patient and was off the
> trainer before the sweat thing was an issue. I guess I couldn't find a box
> fan...or was too stubborn/stupid/longing for the road again, any road.
> Andy Cheatham
> Pittsburgh, PA
> Enjoy your minutes like they are miles
> On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 6:47:45 PM UTC-5, Tim Butterfield wrote:
>> Next update on my knee...
>> Everything seemed to go well with the ACL reconstruction surgery I had on
>> November 1st.  I have had three weeks of therapy so far and the PT started
>> me on a bike.  I've had three short sessions so far.  As soon that started
>> and the PT approved it, I quickly went and used the REI 20% off sale to
>> pick up a Wahoo Fitness Kickr Snap trainer.  I've been on it once so far
>> and for only seven minutes, the same amount of time as the PT session.
>> Just today, I was given the green light for a max of thirty minute
>> sessions.  Yeah.  But,  my activity since this happened in mid-September
>> has been so minimal, my muscles have weakened quite a bit.  I'll need to
>> build them back up again.  This should be a low impact way to do that.
>> Since I'm only doing range of motion exercises, the trainer is not even
>> plugged in yet.  But, it will give me more options once my strength
>> returns.  My elegant steed has been well and truly harnessed.  It looks so
>> sad on the trainer.  But, this should help me to get it out of the harness
>> and back outside by spring.
>> Tim
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Tim Butterfield <>
>> wrote:
>>> Just to give an update on my knee...
>>> The MRI showed it was not a meniscus tear.  It's an ACL tear.  It is not
>>> likely to be going bone on bone anytime soon, but it will delay recovery.
>>> I will be getting reconstruction surgery late October or early November
>>> followed by six months of rehab.  I kind of hope the PT will let me start
>>> riding again before the end of rehab even if that is during the wet/rainy
>>> season here.  It will certainly delay my building up to any kind of mileage
>>> for a while.
>>> I got almost eleven miles on it before it got parked.  Though I now have
>>> the parts to complete it, fender nut, fender spring thing, Brooks mud
>>> flaps, and dyno tail light, I will wait on finishing the tweaks until I am
>>> able to ride it again and and verify the changes.  It's still pretty to
>>> look at, but I will be moving it from my too small living room to storage
>>> until I can use it again.
>>> Tim
>>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Tim Butterfield <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Per an emergency room visit late last night, I tore the meniscus in my
>>>> left knee and my 'get acquainted with Homer' plan has been put on temporary
>>>> hold.  I will continue to lurk on and off, but my occasional banter has
>>>> been put on hold a bit 'til I get things sorted.  I now need to follow up
>>>> with an orthopedic and find out whether it was medial/lateral,
>>>> inside/outside, and what kind of delay this may put on my riding.  Ugg.
>>>> Tim
>> --
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