Sweet! Fantastic adventure! Way to persevere and enjoy what came your way. 
It can be hard to figure out what the lesson is in such cases, short of 
always keep your head and use common sense and know as much as possible 
about navigation without technology, because all map technology shows what 
was, not necessarily what IS, even in the digital age.

Back in the pre-digital days, my wife's an my first backpacking trip was in 
the San Juan mountains of southern Colorado. We planned to travel from 
Ouray to Silverton, then hitchhike back to our car. Great plan on paper, 
but we didn't see the maps we were using in 1990 were last updated by the 
(until then) trusty USGS in 1948. Jeeping took over and the roads all ran 
perpendicular to our route. Hikers stopped using the trails were planned 
on. Loads of misadventure involving utter exposure at 13,500 tundra with 
impressive hail thunderheads, cliffs and smashed backpacks. I got to teach 
my wife how to navigate via triangulation with map and compass, only to be 
proven wrong when the lake we thought we were getting to wasn't there 
(turns out it was mined under, accidentally drained, so we were where we 
thought, but it had moved. Weird twists of adventure!). WE ended up hiking 
out a jeep trail, hitching a ride to our car, and spending the night in 
Silverton, where the world's largest margaritas soothed our adventure 
wounds (and they fortunately did not check our ID). Trips where everything 
goes right are amazing jewels to cherish, but the memories that linger are 
the triumphs of misadventure and adapt and overcome. Especially when they 
end in the world's largest margarita with one's beloved bride. Sardonic 

With abandon,

On Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 7:44:20 PM UTC-6, drew wrote:
> I went out after work last night to meet some friends at Musch camp in 
> Topanga CA, which is only about 18 miles from where i work. about 14 of 
> those 18 are on dirt roads and trails up in the santa monica mountains. 
> Early on, a guy from Road Bike Action Magazine stopped and asked if he 
> could take my picture with my bike. Im not sure there are lots of people 
> riding non suspended bikes up there and carrying a bunch of stuff. a few 
> other people knew what a Rivendell was though, so that was cool. The ride 
> in was really nice, but at the end of it, it turned into steep, descending 
> singletrack with big rocks and steps. So i hiked it in, but thought that i 
> should try to find another way back when i left, so i wouldnt have to carry 
> the bike up that. My friends bailed, so i just stayed the one night. I 
> looked at google maps for a new way back and their recommended route looked 
> ok on paper. In actuality, it involved sneaking through someone's backyard 
> to get to the trail, the trail turning out to be a completely overgrown 
> horse trail with a grade that i could barely walk up, being chased by dogs 
> while pushing the bike through what you see in the last photo, and 
> introducing me to the effects of poison oak for the first time. Google maps 
> lesson learned. The hunqapillar didnt flinch. 
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-3a4cvvtavQ4/WNcXWrxjlTI/AAAAAAAAA40/VtLFKZv2NNQqeISeGaWLz-vPmc-iTu0dgCLcB/s1600/IMG_0643.JPG>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1sy_YnMF1pQ/WNcXQBAWL0I/AAAAAAAAA4w/yC8VWixcb3Im7CDUfswja22ar8oMS3LxQCLcB/s1600/IMG_0644.JPG>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-etIb1aftOB0/WNcXG_qyezI/AAAAAAAAA4s/ebZgQJyHt5UQOD5Hg_vkJnXUmplXniH2gCLcB/s1600/IMG_0648.JPG>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dWH4nFFz6QI/WNcXAXKZ7MI/AAAAAAAAA4o/ACNSk1cuefo79ooVAbBnEoCpwAMeYLuMgCLcB/s1600/IMG_0645.JPG>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JrfNP9Lzk7c/WNca00ulBiI/AAAAAAAAA48/unqukMe7xXkXRzMwtlJJpL5LGzn4VEISgCLcB/s1600/51215789040__0AD0160B-D5D4-48D6-A781-68D09AB17F62.JPG>

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