I have had a pair of "Bike-Packer Plus" bags for some time now, not quite 
the same as the "Sport-Packer Classics" you mentioned, but they are the 
same design, just larger (meant for rear instead of front) and with a 
little better material.

So I like a couple things about the Ortlieb Bike Packers - they have a 
small front pocket, they are mostly waterproof (but not like a back 
roller), and they can be over stuffed! The overstuffing comes from a second 
set of draw cords inside the bag that allow the vertical height to be 
increased by several inches. This works well for light and longer items and 
I have used this feature frequently when grocery shopping or bike camping.

So I dislike a one thing about the Bike Packers as well - the ability to 
carry them off bike. I use an Ortlieb Bike Shopper as my daily bag for 
commuting. It's great because it has a simple zip closure and a really 
comfortable permanent handle to carry it off bike. Compared to the Bike 
Shopper the Bike Packer is a super pain to carry. You can either carry it 
by the release strap (not really the purpose) or you can carry it by using 
the shoulder strap. The should strap can be cinched short enough to carry 
by hand, but it's not as comfortable as the Bike Shopper handle. But the 
real drawback here is that the carry strap MUST be removed before cycling. 
There is no way to secure down the carry strap on the Bike Packer and it is 
extremely dangerous as it can catch in your spokes and cause a crash. I've 
read more than one account of this happening online, and I've personally 
left mine on and had it start to get tangled in my spokes - luckily I was 
rolling at a slow speed and stopped immediately. 

So here is where I'm at - the Bike Packer (or in your case, you're looking 
at the Sport Packer) is great for touring - it holds a ton and has a nice 
design on bike, but practically speaking it is not great for frequent 
carrying use. I am over the moon with my Ortlieb Bike Shopper for exactly 
your scenario - groceries. Note that I almost never zip closed the BIke 
Shopper, I just leave it open as a tub. It holds a normal paper grocery bag 
worth of groceries just fine if you keep it open, a little less if you try 
to zip it closed. 

Patrick in DC

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