I really do have the sweetest, cutest story from the Tuesday night women’s 

We had a small group of 7 riders that night. We were several miles in when 
suddenly from behind, I heard two unfamiliar voices, one belonging to a 
child, and one belonging to a man. I looked back and was astounded - there 
at the end of our peloton was an 8 year old girl on a tiny blue Trek bike, 
wearing her matching blue helmet, blonde hair flying and huge grin on full 
display. I looked at her father, helmetless and riding his own bike. He 
wore a look half proud and half sheepish. “This is Braelyn, and she’s been 
watching you go by every week,” he said. “And she’s been wanting to ride 
with you; she said, ‘Daddy, Tuesday night at 6:50 they’ll be here.’ And she 
got ready so she could join you tonight.” I looked at my speedometer…we 
were riding at over 17 mph. She moved up behind me and another woman fell 
in behind her. 

“Ok, honey, you listen for when I call out things like stick or hole, ok?” 

“Ok!” she said, flashing a Cheshire Cat grin. And we pedaled on, flying 
over country roads with our tiny companion and her daddy. She stayed with 
us for a few miles and then they peeled off after the second set of 
railroad tracks. I wish I had gotten a photo, but maybe next week we’ll see 
her again and I’ll get my chance.

I’m sure we were in violation of like 30 club rules but Michigan doesn’t 
scold you for things like these. Braelyn and her little Trek, legs flying 
and hair streaming…I doubt we will ever see anything better than her on the 
Tuesday Night Ride.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 4:38:01 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Delicious!
> On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 3:58 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ... Some guy will come find me at my vehicle and tell me how I’m doing it 
>> wrong. After getting lectured about how I could go 25% faster if I had this 
>> bike and narrow tires, blah, blah, I say, “Well, I just beat you, so I 
>> don’t think my bike is the problem.”  

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