on 1/17/11 12:05 AM, cyclotourist at cyclotour...@gmail.com wrote:

Wax does zero good when there's moisture out.  Stick with the dino-product
until it dries up. 


My general (California) rule:
Wet conditions = wet lube
Dry conditions = dry lube

Also,  Sheldon mentions it too, but the tacky goop that is on the chain when
in the box works well under a variety of nasty conditions.  If I replace a
chain mid-August on a dusty trails destined bicycle, I might strip it, but
otherwise, I'll leave that in place until it needs lubrication.

Boeshield has been main winter additive (winter being the wet conditions
period for my location.)

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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   Mahatma Gandhi

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