on 3/19/11 5:04 PM, Bridgestone at alancr...@mac.com wrote:

> Looks like I'm going to have to store my bike in my apartment's jam-
> packed bicycle room. It will be hanging from a hook, perilously close
> to another bicycle that could likely scratch the paint right off of my
> frame.
> Any tips for protecting my bike? Pipe insulation, etc?

Same hook every time? The suggestion for securing moving blankets seemed
pretty good. 

If things tend to move around a lot, then a set of dense pipe insulation
foam cut to size for the frame would probably work well.  Though, I think
you are most likely to end up with scratches near the chain/seatstay + rear
axle area, or fork legs.

I would definitely work the "social" aspect of the issue as well.  If
there's someone else who has a nice bicycle, then stowing next to them would
have two people with the same type of concerns.

It's probably most likely to be pedals or brakes with sharp edges or corners
which will do the gouging.

best of luck!

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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"I carried my bike inside the front door, a privilege earned by steady
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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