That looks like a ride to remember.

On Apr 17, 5:11 pm, manueljohnacosta <>
> For those that don't know I mentor a co-ed Boy Scout Troop at the
> school that I work called Venturing Crew #999. One of my greatest
> perks in my life is the ability to share both my love for biking and
> my love of teaching in one rolled up bunch. Last Friday crew #999
> conquered two mountains by bike in anticipation for their trip around
> the Bay Area. Last Friday right after school five ambitious venturers
> try to climb Monument Peak. Climbing up Monument Peak proved much more
> than any of us could handle. The 3 miles in 2000 feet of elevation
> seemed easier on paper. All the hard work and sweat couldn't damper
> the views of the sun setting on the climb up. We finally get up to
> Mission Peak and we were greeted with the amazing views of the city
> lights. The amazing lights was on par with the screaming decent down
> with only the moon lighting the road ahead of us. The decent down was
> on par with the after ride food, which consisted only the healthiest
> food, microwave chicken pot pie, chicken noodle soup and left over ice
> cream cake! It's great having to share these experience with  my
> students. Seeing them push themselves to their limits and realize that
> like biking, life has it's ups and downs. Everyone has to pay their
> dues, but you can always look forward to the decent down. (Even if you
> can't see the road ahead of you!)
> Two sets of pictures proved it happen:
> - Manny "I'm pretty sure it levels out..." Acosta
> P.S.
> Biked to the shop with the lady friend yesterday. Camera dueling,
> slingshot making, earthquake dips. You know bike stuff.

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