A "Little Story" about the Tour De Bay Area".

Venturing Crew #999 just finished their first bike tour ever. Three
venturers and three adults experienced the ride of a life time!
Starting from San Jose we rode a short 20 miles to Fremont Bart
station to San Francisco. Once on the Embarcadero we did the tourist
route and explored the greatness that is the pier. Riding to the
Giants stadium, then had some calm chowder at the pier and even played
foose-ball at the old penny arcades. The weather couldn't be more
perfect for a ride up to the Golden Gate and into Marin. The ride up
to Hawk Camp proved to be difficult to some of the riders because of
their skinny tires and for one advisor particular when we found out
that his tire was rubbing on the inside of his rim for the whole ride
up to Marin. (We were wondering why he was the slowest rider in the
group.) The first day ended with us finding Hawk Camp in the dark
after a handful of wrong turns. We finished with only two broken
racks, two broken panniers, a exploded tire and one a very tired
advisor. Great first day!

The second day we woke up to something very unexpected a clear bright
day in San Francisco!  We first rode down to one of the classiest
streets in San Francisco, Haight Street! One of the Advisors had an
old friend that lived in The Lion House near Haight Street and was
willing to feed us breakfast! He was able to led us out of San
Francisco into Pacifica were we instead of taking Devil's Slide, we
took the infamous Planet of the Apes road. For those not familiar with
the route it used to be the original road from Pacifica to Half Moon
Bay. Imagine a nice paved road where over grown plants creep from all
sides then all of a sudden the road break away from you and all your
left with is cliffs over looking Half Moon Bay. After a long day in
the saddle we finish with Straw Hat Pizza and ranch dressing. The best
combination of healthy food. Finishing off a hard day in the saddle
with some soccer and gymnastics on the beach.

The third day we got into a groove when we rode our way down to Santa
Cruz. Had a quick stop at  Met with another advisor down in Davenport
and had a nice paceline all the way down the the Boardwalk. We had
great time hanging out at the Boardwalk playing some ultimate Frisbee
and jumping into the water. Unfortunately we lost two advisors and one
venturer when they had to end their trip early due to personal reason.
Where we started with six we had to finish with three. The last few of
us that remanded  we stayed in New Brighton State Beach. That night
the last two venturers learned the art of catching sand crabs!

The last day we rode our way back from Santa Cruz to San Jose. Heading
over the hill we were greeted with a decent down in dirt into Los
Gatos. We finished up the short but interesting ride with some mexican
food and Jarritos.  The three riders finished the loop around the Bay
Area. It's an amazing feeling to experience the same route with my
students that I did just two years prior. My first time riding down
the coast, my dream was to share this experience to my future
students. Now after two years of teaching I get my wish. Granted that
there were plenty of hardship along the way, flat tires, sore butts,
broken racks, exploded panniers, the result of this trip was more than
I could have expected. Seeing the growth that I had with my students
was all I needed to make this trip memorable. Showing them that their
world is a lot more bigger you're willing to bike just a little

Pictures proved it happened:

Day 1- San Jose to Hawk Camp, Marin

Day 2 - Hawk Camp, Marin to Half Moon Bay ( Via Planet of the Apes

Day 3 - Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz

Day 4 - Santa Cruz to San Jose

- Manny "Let's saddle up!" Acosta

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