
When I went to the first fitter and he moved my saddle forward, I was
totally shocked. I had been moving my saddle back, in small
adjustments, over the six or so months since I had first had my bike.
If anything, I thought it could have moved further back or that I was
getting close to the range needed. I must admit, I wasn't
uncomfortable with the fitting I received w/ the first fitter, at
least not when it came to the pressure on my hands, numbness/tingling
in hands and feet, and sore butt. We just were not able to make my
upper body feel good. That's why I decided to try another fitter and
they seem to have put me back to where I started in everything except
my saddle fore/aft position.

I responded to Steve's post and described my ride today. I think I'll
just try to focus on my saddle and my cleats for now and see how that
goes. I was super focused on my upper body after the initial fitting,
because all the other issues seemed to have been solved. I'm feeling a
little better about things having gone for a ride today, but getting
out for a 90 km (56 mile) ride will be the real yardstick.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll definitely keep them in mind.

On May 21, 6:25 am, PATRICK MOORE <> wrote:
> Zaelia: I'm sorry to hear about the confusion. Can you post a photo or two of
> 1) a profile of you on the hoods,
> 2) in the hooks,
> 3) Of your camera-side leg at full pedal extension?
> I know that this will be hard to do, but if these photos could be
> taken while you are pedaling at a normal rate and torque, that would
> help.
> At least photos of you sitting as above and supported by a wall or friend.
> I know that different people have different needs, but I have been so
> successful myself in creating a comfortable bar by putting my saddle
> far back that, again, I wonder if your saddle is simply too far
> foward?
> In my own case, my bars stay resolutely fixed -- I hardly ever adjust
> them once I get them right; it is my saddle and cleats that I am
> continually adjusting.
> FWIW, I am 56 and while generally fit do little in the way of upper
> body exercise.
> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 1:29 AM, Zaelia <> wrote:
> > Over the past week I have been consciously paying attention to my body
> > and reminding myself to relax. Thanks to those on this list who made
> > that suggestion. I do believe this has helped. I was doing this, but I
> > don't think I was really doing it well. I was focusing on some parts
> > of my body but not focusing on others.
> > I have also come to accept the fact that my general fitness,
> > flexibility and strength, or lack thereof, are likely contributing
> > factors. I will be looking into this in more detail.
> > A week ago, I returned to the first fitter to see about the final
> > pieces of my fit. Again, his suggestion was a longer stem and/or a
> > handlebar with a longer reach and medium to shallow drop because I was
> > bunched up up top. Without telling the whole story, he also raised my
> > handlebar height (due to my handlebars too easily being put out of
> > alignment). This put everything out of whack and I was back to having
> > pain almost everywhere. I think I'm done with that fitter.
> > Today, I went to a new LBS and had a new fitting. They reversed
> > everything the previous fitter had done! He had raised my saddle, they
> > lowered it (by 1/2 to 1 inch). They said my cleats were both too far
> > forward on my shoes and were uneven (set up by previous fitter), and
> > they lowered my handlebars. Riding the indoor trainer during the fit,
> > I immediately felt some soreness in my knees, weight on my hands and
> > arms, and tingling in my toes (I had only ever felt this after 3-5
> > hours of riding in the saddle, not from 5 minutes of stationary
> > pedalling). For the soreness in my knees and the weight on my hands,
> > they talked about the body's memory and how it may take time to
> > adjust. I feel a little apprehensive, since it felt like I was back to
> > where I was before the first fitting, but I'll ride with this setup
> > and make assessments and adjustments as I go. For the tingling in the
> > toes it was suggested I get better shoes. Admittedly, the shoes I was
> > wearing were ill-fitting and not very stiff, so I'll see how the new
> > shoes fare, but they did say that it's possible I may still feel this
> > tingling with the new shoes. Maybe it's time to see a podiatrist?
> > Interestingly, they disagreed with the previous fitter about my stem/
> > handlebar setup. They said I should not be getting a longer stem/bars
> > with longer reach but should keep my stem (or its relative length) and
> > get bars with a shallower reach. I was flummoxed. Such differing
> > results. They said I was in no way bunched up up top, but that
> > everything looked really good. The were completely unconcerned about
> > the drops.
> > So, I feel like I'm just going in circles, and I feel deflated and
> > frustrated and ready to give up. I have some big rides coming up, and
> > I was hoping to have the bike in good shape long before that. That's
> > why I started the fitting back in the fall. But this is where I find
> > myself, so we'll see what happens.
> > Thanks for reading and for letting me know your experiences and
> > thoughts.
> > Hope you have a great weekend, riding your bike?, wherever you are.
> > Zaelia
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> --
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, NM
> For professional resumes, contact
> Patrick Moore, ACRW
> A billion stars go spinning through the night
> Blazing high above your head;
> But in you is the Presence that will be
> When all the stars are dead.
> (Rilke, Buddha in Glory)

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