on 9/3/11 1:54 PM, islaysteve at alkire...@verizon.net wrote:

Posting a SCALE on this forum?  What are you thinking??  (Just kiddin')  Or
is this what happens when we renounce our old weight-weeny ways?  Note:  I
still weighed the parts as I was building up my Bleriot.  Old habits die

Now, now Steve...
A _scale_ is merely a device for measuring weight.  What one decides to do
about it is the important question.

Me, I like a little heft in my bike.  A scale is good to make sure it
doesn't get too light.   Sometimes I'll swap stuff between bags and end up
down in the mid-twenties.  Good quick check before you head out and get
pushed all over the place by winds and wingbeats.


- Jim "tongue planted firmly in check, though this week I actually wondered
why my Hilsen felt heavier until I realized I'd stuffed two u-locks into the
Country Bag rather than just one..."

Jim Edgar

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"That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."

William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"

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