"...ian": Belonging to the same category as.

"...ish"": Possessing similar qualities or traits.

(Source: Patrick's ineffably superior understanding of suffixes.)

Nice and Rivendellish at least in these qualities, that it is heavy (damn'
thing must push 30 lb), has high bars (the old Frog rando bars have a nice
upward fillip) and shifts in friction (Simplex retros -- nice!). Not to
mention steel, lugged and low geared (46/42 with box stock second bike boom
standard 14-28 fiver).

But -- and here is the very odd thing that leads to the ensuing question:
it **feels fast.** I want to ride it in the 46/17 (73") instead of the
42/17 (67"), even up hills. What gives? (That's a question.)

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW

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