Sounds great, and the fall colours must have been sweet to ride through.

Tell us more about your bars:

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Brian Hanson <> wrote:

> I rode my AHH in the November Populaire 100k today with the Seattle
> Randonneurs.  This was my longest ride yet, and probably one of the coldest
> with most of the ride in the 20's and 30's.  I had two wool shirts and a
> light windbreaker vest which kept me plenty warm.  The only cold spots were
> my feetsies.  I met at least one other lister there, Stuart, who was also
> on his first rando ride.  It was a great day to be out, and the folks I
> rode with were all top notch friendly people.  The bike worked well.  I had
> it a bit over-racked in the front with the Platrack and just a lil 'ol
> Acorn Rando bag.  I also had a M/L Acorn saddle bag where I had an extra
> wool jersey and socks stashed in with my tools.  I definitely could have
> fit everything I brought into one bag, however.  The ride was uneventful
> with no flats or wipeouts that I saw.  One guy in a Ferrari having a good
> time on the open Sunday roads, but that's about it for drama.  I ended up
> not eating any of the food I brought :)  Just cookies at the controls.  I
> have a feeling it would change if I was doing a 200k + ride, however.   I'm
> looking forward to trying one of those in the next few months.  Highly
> recommended!
> Good experience overall, and I have been wanting to try this based on all
> the great ride reports on this list.  Last night, I was pouring over the
> "what to pack" threads, and found the advice very helpful.
> A few photos I managed to snap from the day's activity:
> Brian

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