Hey, I just wanted to get this off my chest regarding The Long Walk.  The 
reason I'm writing this here is because Riv sells the book and I feel like 
this is my peer group and we share the same interests.  For those of you 
that don't know The Long Walk is a book written by a guy that escaped a 
Soviet concentration camp and made an epic trek to India.  I read the book 
in 2001 and kind of freaked out about it.  I got the number for a Richard 
Rawicz in England from the internet and I called him.  I asked him if he 
was related to Slavomir Rawicz and he said that it was his dad.  I told him 
I read the book and was amazed by the story and how moving it was to me.  
He asked if I wanted his dad's phone number.  I couldn't believe he was 
still alive.  I called up Slavomir and I asked him if I could chat with him 
about the book.  He said that he didn't like talking on the phone so I 
asked him if I could come and visit him.  He said yes and to pop over.  I 
told him I was calling from Colorado and that I was a school teacher and I 
could come over during Christmas.  He said that Christmas would be fine.  
This was in September.  Anyway, I booked my ticket for England.

I flew to London, rented a car, figured out how to drive on the wrong side 
of the road on the way to Nottingham.  I drove to Slavomir's house and I 
brought him a white Stetson hat and I brought his wife a nice Pendleton 
blanket.  After I saw how cold it was in their house I realized the blanket 
was an appropriate gift.  The cowboy hat was a suggestion of his son, 
Richard.  They love Wild West stuff in England.  

I spent two days in Nottingham with Mr. Rawicz.  I was doing research for a 
history project and an adventure piece I was working on. I was working to 
recreate the Long Walk on a bicycle.  I wanted to ride the route he 
sketched in the book and somehow connect with a generation of people that I 
greatly admire.  In my research I contacted the Royal Air Force to get 
documentation about Rawicz' flight school he outlines in the book.  They 
said they had no records.  I contacted the Polish Army and looked into 
their records for him.  No records.  I contacted the Gulag Survivor's 
Society and they said they indeed were aware of the claims regarding a 
"Camp 303" but that it didn't exist.  It became clear to me that the story 
was fishy.  I felt terrible about having a relationship with this cool guy 
but not believing his story.  I cut off communication with the family and I 
dropped the project.  I didn't want to have to question the story's 
legitimacy.  When he described the story to me he was in tears.  He 
obviously experienced something very real.  

I just recently read the wikipedia info on the book and the BBC apparently 
did a expose in 2006.  Anyway, it's a bummer that the story isn't true.  I 
felt bad the same way I felt when I found out the 3 Cups of Tea story was 
also fabricated.

Not to be a downer, but I never spilled the beans about The Long Walk 
because I liked the Rawicz family so much.  So there it is.  Off the 

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