Jeff, thanks for the link but after reading that thread, I'm even more 
convinced that it's a google mobile app problem. (See forum post below.)

• Perry

Re: Iphone 4s Takes Pictures Upside-Down???
Oct 30, 2011 12:07 AM (in response to BEEZR)
It is not a bug in the iPhone, it is a bug in the viewing software and there 
have been several threads about this 'problem' in the last couple of years.  
The explanation is rather simple.
The EXIF metadata spec contains a field which defines how the image should be 
rotated for proper viewing, i.e. 'which side is up' 
Along about version 3.13 or so of iOS the software was changed to utilize that 
field of the EXIF spec--likely to facilitate faster photo saves from the 
camera.  Prior to that time iOS devices with cameras physically rotated image 
data so that the rotation value field of the EXIF metadata could be set to 
zero.  This allowed the images to display properly on those apps that were (and 
many still are) brain dead, i.e. they ignore the EXIF rotation field assuming 
it is zero, but that practice greatly increased the image to image time because 
rotating the image is CPU intensive and is better left to systems with fast 
So, the problem does not lie within the iPhone, it lies within the other apps 
that have so far failed to recognize and/or support the EXIF standard properly. 
 Don't complain to Apple, complain to those companies with brain dead 
software--and there are quite a few still in the dark ages of image 
presentation.  As a previous poster stated even Apple's own Safari doesn't 
handle it correctly (or at least it didn't earlier this year...I haven't 
checked lately).
I have suggested to Apple that they provide a switch to enable the old practice 
of rotating the image prior to saving but that has never happened.  If set to 
ON one could be notified that image to image time would be increased and the 
user could then decide to use it or not.  I suspect it wasn't added because the 
explanation of the function it provides could be confusing to non-technical 
users but I have nothing to support that suspicion.
It should also be noted that virtually all high end cameras set the rotation 
field, they do not rotate the image prior to saving.

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