Dear Mathieu,

Mathieu Pivaut schrieb:
I recently update scilbab 4... to version 5.0.2 and reinstalled the R Dcom server and the sciproxi.dll file into the bin directory of scilab.

Unfortunately, all my Excel worksheets don't work anymore. I get the following error :
err -2147221485
The method 'Init' of the object 'IStatConnector' failed.

|SCN_E_LIBRARYNOTFOUND|         |-2147221485|   |0x80040013|

Do you have any suggestion to make it work ?

The sciproxy.dll from the "old" distribution won't work with Scilab 5.x. Please try for a current version for Scilab 5.x

A new version of R/Scilab (D)COM Server is in preparation and hopefully, the problem with sciproxy.dll not matching Scilab versions will vanish soon :-)


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