Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> Thanks for that information; I sure hope this cures the troubles.
> Question: Off-topic, but intimately related...
>, in the R 2.8.0 etc directory, includes the lines:
> library(utils)
> if (.Platform$GUI %in% c("Rgui","Rterm")){
>   if(!("rcom" %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])){
>     install.packages("rcom", dep = T);
>     require(rcom);
>     dummy<-comRegisterRegistry()} else {
>     require(rcom)}}
> I'm not sure whether they were already there in the version of
> that came with the 2.8.0 distribution or whether I put
> them there because I had them there in for an earlier version of R.

These lines are put there by the RExcelInstaller.

> But obviously they block doing package update of rcom, and hence of
> rscroxy, from within Rgui, since these packages are already loaded when
> the R command line becomes available within Rgui.
> Is it OK to comment out those lines temporarily from in
> order do the package update?

Starting R with the command line
RGui --vanilla
starts R without reading,
then you can safely update everything.

Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
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