Dear all

I am using a Windows 7 system, R studio 0.99.467, R x64 3.3.1 and R tools 34.

I have been trying to run sourceCpp("reglinRcpp.cpp") in my R studio and got 
the following error message. It seems clear that the issue is that the Rcpp.h 
file cannot be found. So I have tried to run set 
PKG_CXXFLAGS='-I/H:/R/win-library/3.3/Rcpp/include' in the windows command 
window (see attached screenshot). However, this does not solve the issue. Could 
anyone advise me what I should do? Thanks a lot in advance!

Kind regards

c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++  -I"C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.1/include" -DNDEBUG     
-I"d:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/include"  -std=c++11   -O2 -Wall  
-mtune=core2 -c reglinRcpp.cpp -o reglinRcpp.o

reglinRcpp.cpp:1:18: fatal error: Rcpp.h: No such file or directory

 #include <Rcpp.h>


compilation terminated.

make: *** [reglinRcpp.o] Error 1

Warning message:

running command 'make -f "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.1/etc/x64/Makeconf" -f 
SHLIB="sourceCpp_17.dll" WIN=64 TCLBIN=64 OBJECTS="reglinRcpp.o"' had status 2

Error in sourceCpp("reglinRcpp.cpp") :

  Error 1 occurred building shared library.

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector Cfunc(NumericVector xvec, IntegerVector M, NumericVector beta0, 
NumericVector alpha) {

    int d = 0, m, i, n = xvec.size();
    NumericVector yvec(n);
    double meanxy = 0.0, meanx = 0.0, meany = 0.0, meanx2 = 0.0, meany2 = 0.0;
    double thresh, num = 0.0, denom = 0.0, tobs, beta1hat, beta0hat, sighat, 
    thresh = R::qt(1.0 - alpha[0] / 2.0, (double)(n - 2), 1, 0);

    for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {
      meanx = meanx + xvec[i];
      meanx2 = meanx2 + R_pow(xvec[i], 2.0);
    meanx = meanx / (double)n;
    meanx2 = meanx2 / (double)n;

    for (m = 0; m < M[0]; m++) {
      meany = 0;
      meany2 = 0;
      meanxy = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        yvec[i] = beta0[0] + R::runif(0.0, 1.0);
        meany = meany + yvec[i];
        meany2 = meany2 + R_pow(yvec[i], 2.0);
        meanxy = meanxy + xvec[i] * yvec[i]; 
      meany = meany / (double)n;
      meany2 = meany2 / (double)n;
      meanxy = meanxy / (double)n;
      num = meanxy - meanx * meany;
      denom = meanx2 - meanx * meanx;
      beta1hat = num / denom;
      beta0hat = meany - beta1hat * meanx;
      sighat = sqrt((double)n * (meany2 + beta0hat * beta0hat + beta1hat * 
beta1hat * meanx2 - 2.0 * beta0hat * meany
                                 - 2.0 * beta1hat * meanxy + 2.0 * beta0hat * 
beta1hat * meanx) / (double)(n - 2));
      sighatbeta1hat = sighat / sqrt((double)n * denom);
      tobs = beta1hat / sighatbeta1hat;
      if (fabs(tobs) > thresh) d = d + 1;

    return Rcpp::wrap((double)d / (double)M[0]);
  }     // End Cfunc

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