Yes, Diane, thanks for posting these!  They are very helpful.

I do have a couple of questions.

On Scenario 2, Jane creates the work description (based on an ONYX
record) for the work, creates work records for the individual part,
creates expression record for each work, then uses the ONYX record to
create a manifestation record for the collection.

Is there an expression-level record for the collection?  Or would this
be skipped.

Scenario 3.

Jane creates additional work, expression, and manifestation record for
the screenplay.  WOuld this happen only if the screenplay is published
separately from the film?  Or are you considering the film to be
"based on" the screenplay the same way the screenplay is based on a
book? (so logically one would assume a screenplay to be a prexisting
work and always need a work record?)  I'm not sure one would routinely
want to do this.  In this case is Jane creating the work, expression,
and manifestation records for the online version?  So she's decided to
catalog that too?  Or am i misunderstanding that?

And I hate to be a broken record, but in films Actors would be
associated with the work, not the expression.  They are not going to
reshoot the film with different actors. (ok, in case anybody knows
about them, i'm ignoring the early talkie films which were
simultaneously shot in different language versions with casts that are
sometimes the same, sometimes different--they are borderline cases.  I
would not consider the shot for shot remake of Psycho a borderline case)


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