I may not get through this voluminous work to give complete comments.  But I
do want to say this.  I have almost finished chapter 6 on titles.  IT IS A
MESS!!!  All the references to other parts of RDA have to be checked.  How
can there be a 6.30-6-.28?  Our computers will probably go up in smoke
trying to find that reference.  Actually the references in the music title
section to 6.30 is reference to religious works!  There are some references
that are not hot.  And I don't understand the separation between "recording"
and "constructing" titles.  Why can't those instructions be combined?  Not
just in chapter 6, but in other chapters as well.  And while we are on music
titles, I don't understand why some "forms" are in parentheses and others
are separated by either a full stop, or comma.

Anyway, while the "plans" may be to have this out in a final form this year,
I sincerely doubt that it will be ready, and some cases even useful.

I am definitely going to hold on to may AACR2 and MARC 21.

The last final review draft reminds of what I did in college: I combine by
notes from the textbook with my notes from the class in English history.
Well I nailed the essay question, but didn't have enough time for the
short-answer questions.  RDA has to be made more compact to be useful, in my

Gene Fieg


Claremont School of Theology


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