Christopher Cronin said:

>statistically, it is probably close to impossible for any one person
>to even find themselves in a position of browsing through "jumbled
>records" in any given list of search results in our catalog. 
This is an important difference between a major academic library, and
public, school, or specialized libraries, which tend to have mainly
current material.  I know one public ;obrary which will not accept
items more than five years old - a mistake in my view -  I would
prefer to read an older hardback Jane Austin or Dick Frances than a
current paperback.  Some libraries will have that 'jumble' sooner than

>When it comes to the integration of RDA records with AACR2 ones, the
>lack of GMDs in RDA seems to get a lot of attention on this list.  
>... we are generally undergoing a process of assessing how we want
>data to be delivered to and used by patrons.

Are you considering icons to inform patrons of carrier?  I assume it
would be possible to have icons to represent at least the major
carriers.  It would seem to me more difficult to have enough
recognizable icons to represent all RDA media type, carrier, and
content terms.

What would you do if RDA is not implemented?  Unlikely I know.  Do you
have "inside" information?  The Canadian Cataloguing Committee is
saying early 2012 for implementation.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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