Adam answered:

>> What $e term would be used after a 111?  We do many law symposia.

I remember a French cataloguer at IFLA snippily telling me that
corporate bodies do not write books, people do.

The papers in symposia are written by individual lawyers, and
delivered at the symposia.  The symposia has no  hand in their

The record for a law commission report written by one person with no
official recommendations, and that person as 100, would have 710
$eauthor?  A law commission report with official recommendations
written by a task force, entered under the commission, would have 110
$eauthor?  The commision had no hand in their creation; they just
adopted them.

The relator term "author" in all three cases would not be true.

I think we will use "issuer" (short for "issuingn body") if we must
use relator terms.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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