The guidelines were published in June and can be found at

The announcement of the publication of the guidelines appeared on several 
lists, but appears not to have been announced on RDA-L.

There is also a notice in OCLC Technical Bulletin 261 (under "new fields, 
subfields, and indicators") OCLC's initial suggestion to postpone is no longer 
in force as far as I know.


Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian
Genre/Form Authorities Librarian
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

"We should set an example for all the world, rather than confine ourselves to 
the course which has been heretofore pursued"--Eliza R. Snow, 1842.

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kadri, Carolyn J
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] 260 vs 264 fields

Also, even though OCLC has given permission to use the 264 now, the advice I am 
getting from OCLC is that it might be better to postpone using it until more 
clarification is available to those of us out in the trenches about how it is 
to be applied. I am not sure where that clarification of application will come 
from (possibly the PCC?).  Accordingly, I am not using 264 in RDA records until 
I understand its application better and I can do that because we are not a PCC 
library. I invite dissenting opinions.

Carolyn Kadri
Head Cataloger
Special Collections Cataloger
University of Texas at Arlington

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
 On Behalf Of Joan Wang
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] 260 vs 264 fields

That is true. We also have some questions on these PCC records. They even do 
not have relationship terms. My feeling is that they just changed abbreviations 
to full names, and added three 33x new fields. That is far away from my 
understanding on FRBR. I did expect a comprehensive description of the four 
entities in Group 1 and various relationships. In particular, for the 
relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items, we need to 
do lots of homework.

If you look at examples in RDA Toolkit, you will see 264 instead of 260. These 
examples look quite good.

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Buzz Haughton 
<<>> wrote:
I just now did a search of Connexion for:


and found every record I looked at, including PCC records, with the 260. So 
something isn't right here.

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Joan Wang 
<<>> wrote:
This is also my understanding. According to the PCC guideline, 264 field should 
appear in all new RDA records.


On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Mills, Deborah 
<<>> wrote:
So is the 260 field now obsolete, and won't be used at all in RDA?

Instead will we use one or more 264 fields?

Deborah Mills

E.P. Taylor Research Library
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Canada   M5T 1G4

ph: 416-979-6660 ext. 390<tel:416-979-6660%20ext.%20390>
fax: 416-979-6602<tel:416-979-6602>

Joan Wang
Cataloger -- CMC
Illinois Heartland Library System (Edwardsville Office)
6725 Goshen Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025

Buzz Haughton
1861 Pebblewood Dr
Sacramento CA 95833 USA
(916) 468-9027<tel:%28916%29%20468-9027><>

Joan Wang
Cataloger -- CMC
Illinois Heartland Library System (Edwardsville Office)
6725 Goshen Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025

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