Bernadette O'Reilly wrote:

> I don't have any problems with the list, since RDA clearly
> identifies corporate bodies with these roles as creators.  Just
> surprised to find that we'll be entering in 1XX some entities which RDA
> does not identify as creators, and thinking that people who don't have a
> lot of time to read RDA could get confused.

This should not be confusing, since it is no change at all from AACR2 (and 
pre-AACR2) practice.  I don't believe 1XX has ever meant "creator"; it's always 
meant "main entry heading" (in pre-RDA parlance).  There have always been 
situations where someone other than a "creator" was in that position.  In RDA, 
what we used to think of as "main entry heading" is now part of the "authorized 
access point representing the work".  It may be a creator, or it may be some 
other person, family or corporate body, just like it's always been.

In our training, we must try to avoid using shortcuts like "1XX equals 
creator", because it just isn't true.  Not all 1XX headings are creators, and 
not all creators go into 1XX.  Creator roles and authorized access points are 
totally different concepts.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Bibliographic Services Dept.
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL  60208-2300
phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-4345

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