Thomas Brenndorfer said:

>In RDA, if there are four creators listed in the statement of
>responsibility, the first would go in a 100 and the rest in 700
>fields. In AACR2, because of the rule of three, the first listed
>would go in a 700 field and the rest would be dropped. That's one
>significant change in RDA from AACR2.

In RDA it is required to transcribe and trace only one.  Some RDA
records for manifestations with two or three authors may have fewer
creator entries than an AACR2 record would have had.

It is true that more RDA records will have 100 and 110 (e.g.,
treaties) than AACR2, due to the end of the rule of three.

I see no advantage in combining 100/240 or 100/245 in nuMARC.  They
only need to be combined in 600 and 700.

In new title lists we print, we give the 100 once, with 245s after in
alphabetic order.  I see no need to repeat the 100 in print or OPAC
display before each title.

I suspect we will abandon all print poducts with nuMARC, and leave our
clients to cope in terms of OPAC display.  We've never seen an OPAC
display we like better than unlabeled ISBD.  We agree with Martha Yee:

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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