My understanding is that there is indeed a contradiction between the examples 
and the practice recommended by ISBD. RDA examples should be given using ISBD 
punctuation. The consolidated edition of ISBD says that "within notes, it is 
recommended, where appropriate, that the prescribed punctuation of areas 1-6 be 
followed" (p. 199). Notes on performer, narrators and presenters are usually 
given in a format where the prescribed punctuation for statements of 
responsibility of area 1 would be appropriate. The prescribed punctuation is to 
precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a space, semicolon, 
space (ISBD, p. 43). The examples of notes on statements of responsibility in 
rule 7.1.4 of ISBD, including a note on performers, follow the recommended 
prescribed punctuation. This punctuation is not mandatory but it would make 
sense that RDA illustrates the practice recommended by ISBD.


Daniel Paradis



Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales

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[] De la part de McRae, Rick
Envoyé : 1 novembre 2012 09:44
À :
Objet : [RDA-L] punctuation in 511 notes



I wonder if the apparent contradiction between the examples found in, 
"Recording Performers, Narrators and/or Presenters" which are represented in 
the 511 field, and the punctuation rule expressed in Appendix D.1.2.1: "Precede 
each mark of prescribed punctuation by a space and follow it by a space.." The 
aforementioned examples clearly disregard this. 


I'm not losing sleep about this or anything, but it is a quandary of sorts, and 
it would be good to hear how others resolve this seemingly mixed message.


Thank you and best regards,

Rick McRae

Catalog / Reference Librarian

Sibley Music Library

Eastman School of Music

(585) 274-1370


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