James quoted Julia Pettee:

>"The rapid development of cooperative cataloging for which many
>libraries contribute copy, has created a demand for a multiplicity of
>minute rulings to aid in producing uniform work. The writer believes the
>very formidable extent of this demand makes necessary a most careful
>analysis of all rules to discover basic principles which, if applied
>consistently, will simplify the problems and eliminate many special
>rulings. Heaven forbid an encyclopedic work of pedantic distinctions and
>specific directions for every possible vagary. ..."

How wonderful to see my cataloguing teacher remembered and quoted.  Ms
Pettee occupies my cataloguing pantheon along with Margaret Mann and
Judith Hopkins.  

Lubetski doesn't make it, because he went too far in reducing
redundancy, not anticipating the deconstruction of bibliographic
records in OPAC displays.  Much of SLC's early work was dealing with
records lacking statements of responsibility and imprint when the same
as the original 1XX.  The 1XX could change form or become 7XX, as well
as the data not being displayed in logical order.  "The Office" is not
helpful as a 260$b when not following a 110.  

RDA allows the same error, in leaving too much to cataloguer
judgement.  We are going to be faced with the same upgrading required
by AACR1 records.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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