> -----Original Message-----
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kevin M Randall
> Sent: February-07-13 11:19 AM
> Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Statement of responsibility naming more than three
> persons etc.
> Ben Abrahamse wrote:
> > * Though now, looking at RDA 2.4. again, I'm not 100% sure it's saying
> > to record.  The heading for instruction is "Recording
> > statements of responsibility" but the first sentence in the
> > instruction is, "Transcribe a statement of responsibility".
> In RDA, all of the data is "recorded".  It's just that for some of the 
> elements,
> the method of recording is specifically transcription.
> I wonder if it would be too weird to use the mark of omission, and have
> something like:
>       Madeleine Albright, Franz-Lothar Altmann, ... Carl Bildt [and 52
> others]
> or:
>       Madeleine Albright, Franz-Lothar Altmann, ... Carl Bildt [and 55
> others]
> I'm not really sure about this!  The first one totally ignores the number of
> names represented by the mark of omission.  The second one adds up all the
> names omitted before and after Carl Bildt.  Either way, I'm not sure I like 
> the
> look of it.
> Kevin M. Randall

One could choose the optional omission and supply the element Note on Statement 
of Responsibility (RDA 2.20.3) -- "... a note providing information on a 
person, family or corporate body not named in the statement of responsibility 

So the statement of responsibility could have the first named only, and the 
note could list additional names-- whichever names are important for 
"identification or access" (RDA No change to existing 


Statement of responsibility relating to title proper: Madeleine Albright [and 
57 others]

Note on statement of responsibility: Additional creators: Franz-Lothar Altmann 
and Carl Bildt

This also dovetails in with RDA 18.6, which instructs to add explanatory notes 
for relationships of creators, contributors, etc. to the resource.

One other observation: the role of the relationship designator is connected to 
the relationship between specific entities like Creator <> Work. Many 
"explanatory" or "justification" statements or notes are embedded in the 
Manifestation level. While those statements and notes do serve some user tasks 
(such as "identify"), the idea now is that bibliographic data about 
relationships could exist in different contexts, which means greater weight 
would be given to relationship designators for carrying the burden of 
explaining the relationship.

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

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