I guess my attitude is a bit different. I want to make it clear that
there's no attempt on my part to cause trouble, but ...

This is one of the problems with RDA. We didn't connect with non-library
employed users to find out their perspective. I would interpret this
request to mean that the student is concerned about how a typo will reflect
upon him. Rather than quote RDA rules, I would give him back the
dissertation and suggest that he speak with the office on campus ...
perhaps the Grad Office ... and see if he could re-type the typo correctly,
have the item rebound, and THEN it could be re-catalogued.

As I catalogue theses and dissertations our Grad Office does indeed ask for
them back when such things arise. I always willingly comply. It's good PR.

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Library Technician III
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

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