Dear colleagues,

(1)  JSC 2013 meeting:

The 2013 meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
(JSC) will be the week of November 4-9, 2013, in Washington, D.C., USA.

The deadline for proposals for this November 2013 meeting is August 5, 2013.

Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from within the author
countries of RDA should be submitted through their respective constituent
bodies of JSC. Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from
outside the author countries of RDA should be submitted to *Barbara
Tillett, Chair of the JSC*. <>

Completed proposals are posted in the *constituency proposals
section*<>of this web
site as they are received.

Constituency responses to the new proposals are due October 5, 2013.

(2)  Documents recently posted on the JSC web site to correct mis-numbering
of sub-instructions in RDA 9.19:
6JSC/BL/4/Sec final/rev<>

Regards, Judy Kuhagen
JSC Secretary

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