J. McRee Elrod <m...@slc.bc.ca> wrote:

> What is core for RDA, and what is core for patron needs, are two
> *very* different things!  AACR2 had a qualified GMD: "text (large
> print)" which worked very well.  This is but one example of AACR2's
> superiority over RDA in terms of meeting patron needs, as opposed to
> conforming to theory.

To be fair, AACR2's GMDs are marked as optional and don't appear at all
under 1.0D's first level of description (which is on par with RDA's core
cataloging--RDA for the most part follows in AACR2's footsteps).

If it's a matter of why 30-some years of GMDs and AACR2 practice never
resulted in more elements being added to the "must have" pile irrespective
of levels of description, I can't say.


Mark K. Ehlert

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