I'm trying to figure out what relationship designator to use to relate two novels, one of which is described as a spinoff for young adult readers. Here's the basic information:

From http://geoffreygirard.wordpress.com/2013/02/: "In September Simon &
Schuster will publish my first two novels at the same time. The first, Cain's Blood, is a techno thriller from Touchstone Books. The second, Project Cain, is a stand-alone companion novel for teen readers from Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers. ... Cains Blood and Project Cain are two different novels written about the same fictional event. In both, scientists have been doing unpleasant things for the military and these unpleasant things escape. The two books explore the trouble/adventure that ensues and simply do so differently. Cains Blood uses the form/devices of a traditional thriller. It follows the story from a dozen viewpoints; mostly from former-army-Ranger Shawn Castilllos narrative Point of View (the character brought in to fix things), but also via chapters/scenes from the POV of various killers, military schemers, evil scientists, and victims. All capturing the big picture as the full horrifying story unfolds.

Project Cain is told from the POV of one character: Jeff Jacobson, the sixteen-year-old clone of Jeffrey Dahmer who has recently discovered his true origins and who is recruited by Castillo into helping, we hope, save the day. Its a much more personal story/journey told with the voice and reflections of a smart, lost and thoughtful teen. A thriller specifically written for younger readers (PG-13) and those adults still interested in young heroes."

From http://www.geoffreygirard.com/contact.html: "Simon and Schuster will
publish two Girard novels in 2013: Cain's Blood, a techno thriller, and Project Cain, a spinoff novel for teen/YA readers."

Looking at Appendix J.2 of RDA, it looks to me that the only possible useable designator there is "complemented by (work) A work paired with another work without either work being considered to predominate."

I am wondering what others think. Use "complemented by (work)" to relate these two novels, or should I suggest a new term to be added to RDA. If so, what are the best suggestions for this new term?


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