Please excuse the cross-posting...

I have never had a good grasp on what constitutes something being published or 
not published.  I'm especially confused about the differences between 
"production," "distribution," and "manufacture." I've looked at the RDA rules 
and OCLC's Bib Formats and Standards for guidance.

I'm attempting to catalog a resource which is basically a photocopied booklet 
of a collection of student writings.  If anyone is willing to take a look at 
and provide input on the OCLC record I created (#862583744), I would appreciate 
it.  The only publication/manufacture/production information I was able to find 
is what I put in a quoted note in my record.  There is no other information 
that I can locate regarding this resource.

On another item I'm working on, which is also a photocopied book of several 
pages, I again can't tell if this item would be considered published, or merely 
"produced" or "manufactured" or whatever.  It has what looks like a publisher's 
statement presented, along with the title information, on the cardstock cover, 
which says:  Mormon History Association / Killington, Vermont / May 28, 2005.  
According to the acknowledgments page in the book, this refers to a meeting of 
the association.  I'm not sure whether the association should be considered the 
creator, the publisher, or both.  I'm not sure how or if to record an access 
point and associated relator term to the meeting.  Also, I'm not sure what to 
do with the very specific date:  is that the publication/manufacture date, and 
if so, do I just record the year, or the whole thing?  My attempt to answer 
these questions myself has resulted in OCLC record # 862595682.  Does the 
record need a statement of responsibility in 245 $c?  Since the book mainly 
consists of Snow's poetry with short, introductory material before each one, 
should she be in 245 $c, and used as a main/alternate access point (if so, what 
relator term do I use?)?  The use of the subject subdivision -Poetry has me 
confused as well.  The SHM seems to indicate that its use is for poetry about a 
person, not by a person.  But can it be used as a form subdivision I the way 
I've used it in my record?

Apologies in advance for the numerous questions, most of which are probably 
very basic, in this email.  I have no confidence that the decisions I have made 
in creating these records is in any way correct.  Input, corrections, 
suggestions, or anything else that you can provide on the records I've 
mentioned in this email, on the 26X issue or any other aspects of my attempt at 
RDA cataloging, would be gratefully received.

Thank you,

Chris Fox
Catalog Librarian
McKay Library
Brigham Young Univ.-Idaho<>

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