dean gaudet wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2006, The Anarcat wrote:
>> dean gaudet wrote:
>>> On Mon, 15 May 2006, The Anarcat wrote:
>>>> Bah, i'll just create a /tmp partition. :)
>>> might be /var/tmp :)  again i forget... sorry.
>> doing a /tmp part fixed it.
>>>>> if not you might try aging the oldest backup... if that doesn't work you 
>>>>> might end up having to delete it by hand (by figuring out the timestamp 
>>>>> which will be embedded in every related filename and deleting those 
>>>>> files/directories from target/rdiff-backup-data).
>>>> ... aging the oldest backup? What does that mean?
>>> rdiff-backup --remove-older-than ... or a much more manual and error prone 
>>> method involving find(1) which i won't attempt to relate because it really 
>>> does assume you know what you're doing.
>> Oooh.. but that's on the first image. That won't work.
> this is your first backup and it failed? 

Actually things a bit more complicated than that. The backup is big
(45GB) and there is already an rsync of it on the server, so I don't
want to redo it all.

So what I did was to rdiff-backup /backup/foo /backup2/bar on the backup
server... This way i have an initial backup to work with.

> then just delete 
> target/rdiff-backup-data ... next time you can add "--force" to the 
> rdiff-backup command and it will continue where it left off...

That's good to know.


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