On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Marc Dyksterhouse wrote:

> Dean,
> I looked into what was happening with fsync under cygwin.  Turns out fsync
> returns EACCES for any file so I added that to the except clause to prevent
> the exception from being re-raised.  After fixing that, a few more exceptions
> where happening because the 'data' array is not filled in under cygwin (not
> sure why).  I put some checks around some of the places that data['xxx'] is
> accessed to prevent the exceptions.
> The result is a new rpath.py patch (link below) that seems to work and should
> be cross platform.
> I'm also submitting a second fs_abilities.py patch.  This one addresses your
> concern about which chars are quoted.  The problem with the original regex is
> that it didn't quote * or ".  My new regex only quotes the chars that are not
> valid in FAT-32 plus the semicolon since that's the escape char.  New regex:
> '\000-\037\"*/:<>?\\\\|;'
> Complete list:
>   http://www.visiwave.com/download/rdiff_backup/rpath.py.patch

i'd prefer a specific try/except around the os.fsync to catch the EACCESS 
-- otherwise you'll be skipping the os.close... so i'm guessing you have 
an fd leak in this patch.

>   http://www.visiwave.com/download/rdiff_backup/Security.py.patch
>   http://www.visiwave.com/download/rdiff_backup/fs_abilities.py.patch
>   http://www.visiwave.com/download/rdiff_backup/fs_abilities.py.2.patch

hmm... do you need to escape \200-\377 as well... ?

also ... any chance i could convince you to rebase all of these against 
the CVS HEAD, since i've already commited most of it?


thanks a bunch

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